Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Yep, Another Hauling Stuff Blurb

Alright, so I've already established the hundreds of newspapers that get hauled around every weekend by my ride... I also covered the transportation of a clothes dryer... this next post is about what the RAV hauled around last night.

So one of my closest friends TV's died and we decided it was time for her to replace the 27incher with some ginormous big screen/wide screen unit that takes up half the wall of her living room. Hey, it is football season after all, this isn't a luxury, it's a necessity.

Off we head to Circuit City. While pleased with the helpful service, the selection just wasn't that great. So I suggest heading to Best Buy - the service is usually terrible, but they seem to have a wider selection of TV's (I learned this a year ago when helping another friend upgrade to a new unit). Off we go to Best Buy. Of course, the service is beyond terrible - for example 'Hi Best Buy person, we have decided we are buying one of these large screen TV's, we just need a little help narrowing down the specs of the stand'... Best Buy idiot looks at us, points to the TV's and says 'yeah, about all the stands we have are out underneath the TVs'... 'yes Best Buy idiot, we can see that - but we have some questions as to whether the one's we want would properly fit the TV we want'... Best Buy idiot says 'oh, well, you can see the measurements on the price tag (if that stand happens to have a price tag)'... Grrrr...

Well, we finally got someone's attention (I think it mighta been security... ummm, cuz I kinda got mad and just grabbed all the price tag stands and started walking to the cash registers... that was the only thing that they noticed and FINALLY sent some guys to help). Alright, so that's an entirely different story. But they did have a better selection, so we put up with the AWEFUL Best Buy service yet again.

So my friend decides on her TV, we pay and then head out to the RAV to get it ready to haul stuff (good thing we didn't take her Camaro). I start putting the seats down, taking down the cargo net stuff, and make plenty of room inside my champ of a vehicle. It wasn't too tight of a fit, but there were 3 of us, so the ride back home was cramped. We ended up fitting a 50inch projection-style TV (not the flat kind, the kind that still has a [somewhat slimmer] picture tube) and a 50inch projection TV stand in the back of the RAV. Like I said, it was a snug fit (if there would have only been 2 of us it wouldn't have been a problem at all), but everything still fit great.

We ended up stopping by my friend's house, unloading, and then brought my roommate home. We ordered a pizza, headed back to my friend's house and then started putting everything together. Overall it was a very smooth purchase and delivery (except for the HORRIBLE Best Buy customer service) - a task we couldn't of done with my friend's Camaro, and I dont think we could have done it in my roommate's Outback either... overall, another job well done by the RAV.


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